Monday, September 16, 2019

Mr. Phil Jones was brought in to take over Consolidated

The plant manager of Consolidated Products, Ben Samuels, ran the business for approximately ten years. He was well liked by all of the employees due to his style of managing and his involvement was appreciated. Samuels built a fitness center for the employees. He sponsored social activities to Include holiday parties and company picnics. Mr.. Samuels would make It a point to get to know a majority of the workers by their names and remained personal and ask about their families and heir hobbles.Samuels would let the supervisors of the plant run their teams without any accountability and never required supervisors to develop plans to Improve productivity. Under Samuels, the employer turnover was very low but the company had the lowest production levels out of five plants. Mr.. Phil Jones was brought In to take over Consolidated Products once the company was purchased by another firm and Ben Samuels had retired. Jones had a reputation of extreme productivity without concern for individu al employees.His method included the notion that people are easily replaced and his focus was business oriented. He immediately made changes within the company such as ending all sponsorship of the social activities and closing the fitness center as he felt that cutting these costs were more conducive to enhancing profits. I believe that if Mr.. Jones had implemented some of the qualities that Mr.. Samuels held, he would be more effective as a leader.He may have chosen to attend these events and ensure that all f the employees felt an element of compassion that would, in turn, result in a stronger desire to produce secondary to the establishment of a caring relationship. I would rather work for Mr.. Samuels because it was obvious he cared for the employees and their families as a whole. To be cared about as an individual elicits a passionate framework in work approach. If I was Phil Jones' boss and the employees were not satisfied with the conditions, I would allow them to unionize. Daft, R. (2011). The leadership experience.

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