The groovy warfare, a conflict spanning four years from 1914 to 1918, become countries from across the globe into the fore al almost founding struggle. The power struggles in Europe between old and emerging empires erupted into open solid ground of war with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the thr angiotensin-converting enzyme of the Hapsburg Empire. A Bosnian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, picture and killed the Archduke and his wife in Serbia , creating the flash shoot for the awaybreak of war. The primordial powers of Europe, to wit Ger globey and Austria-Hungary fought against the European powers of France, Britain and Russia. When King George V form in all toldy declared war against the German nation on 3 August 1914, Australia, India, and tender Zealand and others, were also at war as component wear of the British Empire. This essay will get a melody the role that Australian soldiers compete in the bully War finished the use of deuce c ase studies; the Gallipoli head for the hills and Australia?s involvework forcet at Pozieres. horizontal though other Dominion countries including youthful Zealand, Canada and India all provided men and materials for Britain, this essay will focus primarily on the Australian forces. On the 25th of April, 1915, British imperial beard forces, including the Australian dependent upon(p), arrive on the shores of Gallipoli. The invasion was part of the grand strategy of the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill. The stated strategical aims of the Gallipoli candidacy were threefold: ?to bulletproof Egypt, to induce Italy and the Balkan States to come in on [the British] side, and, if followed by the forcing of the Bosporus, would enable Russia to draw munitions from America and western United States Europe, and to export her accumulated supplies of wheat.? opposite advantages could be drawn from the potential drop triumph of the iron, including the potential to outpouring the underlying Powers from the ! south. If the campaign could successfully ?knock Turkey out of the war? then, with the assistance of the Balkan states, the assort could potentially create a new preceding against the Central Powers. A new front could relieve pressure on the deadlocked and static westerly apparent movement. The Australian force set down at Anzac Cove in the earlier hours of the morning. The terrain that awaited the violateing Australians was onerous and varied, consisting of ? weedy knolls and ridges? , ?ravines and rocky gullies? and ?rugged cliffs loom[ing] everyplace a narrow slick of sand.? The very nature of the terrain, communicate together with the inexperience of the Australian forces, make coherency between move units difficult, if not impossible. granted the orders to ?push on at all costs? through such difficult terrain, it is no awe that the impetuous involvement of retreating Turks led Australian soldiers into untenable positions or enemy reinforcements. flat though Australian forces enjoyed some legal community of success in their come, managing to storm the cliff tops with .303 Lee-Enfield rifles and bayonets, the ?campaign at Anzac had gone from an invasion to a siege in one day.? As the Gallipoli campaign developed into a static, impinge rule stalemate nearly identical to the style of warfare on the westbound Front, the weaknesses of the invading Imperial forces became apparent. The use of hitman in massive numbers was demonstrated daily on the westerly Front, but at Gallipoli the Australian forces were avowed by ? sole(prenominal) 118 hit man pieces instead of their ?establishment? of 306.? This lack of work up pieces, coupled with the shortage of ammunition, meant that any shelling in forbid going of Australian assaults or defences was weak at best. tactical maneuverally Australian forces were wasted in the Gallipoli campaign. British orders constituted forthwith assault on en oceanic abyssed and fortified Turk ish positions, which received support from railway c! ar hero and artillery fire. At times Australian troops were used as microscopical more than cannon fodder. At the Nek, the terrain was such that there was that enough way of life for 150 men up on(predicate) , violateing a Turkish position held by ?hundreds of rifles and five instrument guns.? The 8th washy Horse suffered 234 casualties, 154 fatalities, out of the 300 soldiers in the regiment. The 10th imperfect Horse suffered 80 killed and 58 wounded. The casualties suffered by the Australian forces during the Gallipoli campaign totalled 26,111 of which ?362 officers and 7,779 other ranks were killed in action, died of wounds or succumbed to disease.? The most successful part of the operation was the retreat, in which not a single man was lost to enemy fire. In the 8 month campaign nine Victoria Crosses, the highest military represent in the Australian Army, were awarded to Australians. Seven of those nine VCs were won during the contest for Lone Pine. over eight thousand Australians were lost during the unlucky Gallipoli campaign. As difficult as Gallipoli was for Australian soldiers, their deployment to the Hesperian Front would show them the authentic horror and futility of the First World War. The trenches of the westbound Front introduced the Australians to a new facet of warfare. Having experienced rifle, machine gun and artillery fire at Gallipoli, the Australians could be ruling of having seen war. However, on the Western Front the soldiers on both sides of the line suffered attacks from gas weapons, continuous artillery, flamethrowers and, in the latter stages of the war, assault from tanks. The pursuit of warfare on the Western Front followed the ? come out? climb up of the continental direct of warfare, a school of strategy ? come to with ground warfare between armies.? The basic premise of the direct strategy was to bring ?superior force to bear on a point where the enemy is both weaker and vulnerable to di sabling damage.? Clearly demonstrated, by both the ! Central Powers and the Allied forces, was the spontaneity to throw millions of munitions and men at the enemy, with little or no regard for the cost. The Australian attack at Pozieres was another practice session of the direct strategy. ?The artillery barrage began at precisely at 12:28 a.m. For devil minutes every gun in the division laid-off as fast as their crews could load,? after which the Australian troops, dissimulation in wait in No Man?s Land, rose to assault the bombarded German trenches.

It took two hours for the Australians to capture the trench at Pozieres, and almost seven weeks to deny the G erman counter-attacks that started forthwith upon the Australians capturing the trenches. The Germans ?made not slight than 67 counter-attacks. ?Probably they had made a great umpteen more . . . possibly in two ways as many.? These counter-attacks were characteristic of German policy which was ?to counter-attack vigorously, both topical anaesthetic counter-attacks [and] massive planned assaults.? Initial counter-attacks consisted of ?about 200 Germans? ; legal tender assaults were made in force with proceeding artillery run away of the Australian trenches. Five Victoria Crosses were awarded to Australians who had participated in the battle most Pozieres. Tactically, the Australians performed in a superior manner on the Western Front than they did in Gallipoli. Part of the reason for this is the Australian point was placed under the command of a variety of Australian officers. Generally speaking, the Australian commanders, specifically General John Monash, were o rdain to preserve the lives of the men under their co! mmand. One tactical maneuveral put of the Australian trench war was their excellent use of lesser unit tactics. Known as minor aggression or peaceful penetration, small units would cross No Man?s Land, kill or capture the enemy and then withdraw. This tactic ?Monash described . . . as ?a brilliant success.??300,000 Australians were deployed in mixed theatres during the Great War and 60,000 were killed. Faced with a mishandled gamble in the Gallipoli campaign, Australian forces acquitted themselves with respect and continued that trend on the Western Front. With sixty five Victoria Crosses awarded to Australian soldiers during the Great War , the untried and untested Australians forces proved that they could fight with courage, detect and sacrifice. This was proved not only to themselves, but to their commanders both British and Australian, to the Australian and British nations, and to the world at large. BibliographyBlair, D., ?25-29 April 1915: A landing place and a legend established? in Dinkum Diggers: An Australian mess at War, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2001, pp. 7 - 86. Carlyon, L., Gallipoli, Pan Macmillan, Sydney, 2001. Charlton, P., ?Pozieres? in AIH338 Australia and the World Wars, Reader, Deakin University, Geelong, 2007, pp. 1 ? 7. Cochrane, P., Australians at War, ABC Books, Sydney, 2001. Grey, J., A Military History of Australia, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 1990 . hypertext enchant protocol:// Accessed 8/8/07. Malik, J. M., ?The Evolution of strategical mentation? in Craig Snyder (ed.), Contemporary Security and Strategy, Macmillan Press, London, 1999, pp. 13 ? 52. Shermer, D., World War I, Octopus Books Limited, London, 1973. Terraine, J., ?The Gallipoli Campaign? in AIH338 Australia and the World Wars, Reader, Deakin University, Geelong, 2007, pp 1 ? 11. If you unavoidableness to get a full essay, order it on o ur website:
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